Sony has expanded its Xperia smartphone series and launched the Xperia E1 mid-range smartphone alongside the Xperia T2 Ultra phablet. The Japanese handset maker has launched both the devices in two variants: single SIM and dual-SIM, namely the Sony Xperia E1, Sony Xperia E1 dual, Sony Xperia T2 Ultra and Sony Xperia T2 Ultra dual. We expect that the variants of the Xperia E1 and Xperia T2 Ultra are targeted for different markets; however, Sony has not revealed any pricing and availability details of the devices.
The company notes that the Sony Xperia T2 Ultra phablet has been designed specifically for emerging markets like China, Middle East, Africa and the Asia Pacific.
The Sony Xperia E1 is the single SIM variant, while the Xperia E1 dual is the dual-SIM (GSM+GSM) variant, and both models otherwise come with identical specifications. Unfortunately, there is no word on Sony Xperia E1 and Xperia E1 dual's Android software versions.
Sony Xperia E1 Specification, Photos and AED Price in Dubai UAE
Sony Xperia E1 Dual Specification, Photos and AED Price in Dubai UAE
Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Specification, Photos and AED Price in Dubai UAE
Sony Xperia T2 Ultra Dual Specification, Photos and AED Price in Dubai UAE