As promised, Samsung has announced a faster Galaxy S4 variant with Snapdragon 800 CPU onboard. The Galaxy S4 LTE-A seems to be limited to South Korea for now but it will be available internationally in the coming months.
The new Galaxy S4 is similar in design to the original one but comes with Qualcomm’s top-of-the-line Snapdragon 800 quad-core CPU that has a clock speed of 2.3GHz and supports LTE-Advanced that gives data speeds to up to 150Mb/s speed, which is way faster then what you get with the current 4G LTE technology.
The phone runs Android 4.2 and comes with 2GB of RAM, 5-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display, 13MP camera and 2MP front-facing camera, Wi-Fi, NFC, T-DMB, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 3.0 support, 32GB internal memory, microSD card slot and 2600mAh battery.