Taiwanese smartphones maker HTC has unveiled acclaimed actor and director Robert Downey Jr as the star of its ‘Here’s to Change’ brand-building advertising campaign.
For the uninitiated, Downey Jr. plays the lead role in the hit 'Iron Man' movie series and has, admittedly on-screen, saved the world from numerous baddies and even total annihilation.
So, can he save HTC from total market share extinction?
Real-life, sadly, doesn’t always mimic reel-life, and it might take more than Iron Man’s repulsar rays and electro punches to revive the in-coma HTC brand.
Make no mistake, HTC has a winner on its hands (our hands, actually) in the shape of the HTC One, a smartphone that most analysts agree is the best among the current crop of new launches, and that includes the Apple iPhone 5, the Samsung Galaxy S4 and the Sony Xperia Z.