After launching the Galaxy S4 LTE-A in Arctic Blue and Aurora Red last month, Samsung has announced two new colour options for the faster Galaxy S4. The Galaxy S4 LTE-A will now be available in South Korea in Black Mist and White Frost taking the total colour option count to four.
Galaxy S4 LTE-A is enjoying some good sales in its home market and according to some reports, Samsung has shipped over 150,000 units in under 15 days since the launch.
Galaxy S4 LTE-A is powered by Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 800 2.3GHz quad-core processor and supports LTE-Advanced network that with the help of carrier aggregation helps to achieve data transfer speeds to up to 150Mbps.
As for the rest of the specs, the phone runs Android 4.2 and comes with 2GB of RAM, 5-inch Full HD Super AMOLED display, 13MP camera and 2MP front-facing camera, Wi-Fi, NFC, T-DMB, Bluetooth 4.0, USB 3.0 support, 32GB internal memory, microSD card slot and 2600mAh battery.