For the first time in the history of mobile cybercrime, a trojan is being spread using botnets controlled by other criminal groups, said a statement issued by the Kaspersky lab.
Over the last three months analysts have been investigating how the 'Obad.a' trojan, a malicious app for Android, is distributed. The criminals behind the trojan have adopted a new technique to spread their malware. It has also become clear that Obad.a is mostly found in CIS countries. In total, 83% of attempted infections were recorded inRussia, while it was also detected on mobile devices in Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
The most interesting distribution model saw various versions of Obad.a spread with Trojan-SMS.AndroidOS.Opfake.a. This double infection attempt starts with a text message to users, urging them to download a recently received text message. If the victim clicks the link, a file containing Opfake.a is automatically downloaded onto the smartphone or tablet, the statement said.