Google has announced the roll out of the next iteration of its Android operating system, dubbed as version 4.3, with the launch of its new Nexus 7 tablet. The new version will be called 'Jelly Bean' and would actually be the third version to carry the same tag after Android 4.1 and Android 4.2. The latest update comes about nine months after Google introduced Android 4.2.
However as suggested by previous leaks, the new Android version doesn't bring a big makeover and comes with a few major features. The new OS is being rolled out first to Google's Nexus range of devices including the original Nexus 7, Nexus 4, Nexus 10 tablet and will ship with the new Nexus 7. We take a look at its new features.
1. Restricted profiles
Google added multi-user profiles in the last iteration of Android and it seems the search engine giant wants to enhance that experience through restricted profiles. With the new feature, users can restrict app usage and content consumption on an Android device. So you'll be able to set profiles for each user of the device in case of multiple users. For instance, parents can control what apps or games their kids have access to on their tablets. However, it's worth pointing out that the new restricted feature is only available on Android tablets.